Tianze Ni is the son of a Chinese friend who lives in the UK. Several months ago, his mom Nina allowed me to share a heartbreaking poem she’d written, a very frank exploration of her experience of raising, and loving, an autistic child.
We adults are certainly entitled to our feelings, opinions, hopes, etc. I have made mine known. But I’ve always wished it were possible to know more about the view from the other side. How do disabled kids see things? What does life mean for them?
That’s why I titled my memoir What About the Boy?, and it’s why I was glad to feature a book of artwork created by another disabled boy. And for the same reason I’m more than happy now to share the following creations penned by Tianze:
The Sun and the Moon 25th July 2013
Sun, Sun like a good boy. Moon, Moon like a good girl. Wait till day light, Then the Moon will become a good boy. Wait till day dark, Then the Sun will become a good lady. Odd numbers like even numbers, Sun loves the Moon… Moon love the Sun. Boys love the girls. Girls love the boys.
Summer time song 15th July 2013
Sun set, sun set, sun set Beautiful, beautiful sun set. It is dark red now, The clock straight toward 9 PM The sun cuts its head off…
Moon rise, moon rise moon rise now Beautiful, beautiful moon rise. It is dark blue now, The clock straight toward 9:10 PM. The Moon puts its head on…
Sun rise, sun rise, sun rise now Beautiful, beautiful sun rise. It is white colour now, The clock straight toward 5 AM. The sun puts its head on again.
If you are upset 28th July 2013
If you are upset, upset, Just wait and wait, Till dream and dream And wake up. You will be happy again… happy again
If you are happy, and happy, Clap your hand. More happy you will have.
If you are sad and sad, Just wait and wait Till dream and a good dream And dream… Day will light again.
Dance in the moonlight 1st August 2013
I like dance and dance in the moonlight I would take you down at any more… Dream, dream, wake up, Day light, day light now Happy and happy again…
I like dance and dance in the moonlight I would take you down at any more… Dream, dream, wake up, Happy and happy again… Car goes to high way It would no more tummy sore…
I like dance and dance in the moonlight I would take you down at any more… Dream, dream, wake up, Happy and happy again… Car back to home, It would no more tummy sore…
Sun Rise and Sun Set Song
21st September 2013
Sun rise, sun set, Sun set, sun rise, It looks like a switch, on and off, Off and on again and again.
I enjoy to play the switch, on and off, off and on. . . It looks like playing sun rise and sun set. It looks like playing the time.
What things make sun set? Where is the sun sleeps? It is earth turn around, It is jesus’ hand switch on and off.
Lamp Post Song
1st November 2013
Lamp post, lamp post, It turns off in the day light; It turns on in the day dark. It looks like a sun that shines in the darkness.
When I lay down in the sofa, From home window, I see lamp post on. It gives me warm, hope and lights. It gives me sunshine evening.

This entry was posted on September 05th, 2013
and is filed under guest posts, kids, random thoughts.
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